Silky Smooth Hummus: The Ultimate Recipe


  1. Chickpeas (Garbanzo Beans): 1 can (15 oz) or about 1.5 cups cooked chickpeas.
  2. Tahini: 1/4 cup (sesame paste).
  3. Lemon Juice: About 1 large lemon’s worth.
  4. Garlic: 1-2 cloves, depending on your taste preference.
  5. Olive Oil: 2-3 tablespoons, plus extra for serving.
  6. Salt: To taste.
  7. Ground Cumin: 1/2 teaspoon (optional, but recommended).
  8. Water: As needed to reach desired consistency.
  9. Paprika or Parsley: For garnish (optional).


  • Food Processor or High-Powered Blender
  • Measuring Cups and Spoons
  • Spatula
  • Serving Dish


  1. Prepare Chickpeas: If using canned chickpeas, drain and rinse them. For an even smoother hummus, you can peel the chickpeas by gently pinching them to remove the skins, but this is optional.
  2. Blend Tahini and Lemon Juice: In your food processor, blend tahini and lemon juice for about 1 minute. Scrape the sides and blend for another 30 seconds. This step makes the hummus creamy.
  3. Add Garlic, Olive Oil, Cumin, and Salt: Add chopped garlic, olive oil, cumin, and a pinch of salt to the tahini mixture. Blend for another 30 seconds, scrape the sides, and blend again.
  4. Add Half of the Chickpeas: Add half of the chickpeas to your food processor and blend for 1 minute. Scrape sides and add the remaining chickpeas. Blend until smooth.
  5. Adjust Consistency and Taste: If your hummus is too thick, slowly add water until you reach your desired consistency. Taste and adjust for seasoning, adding more salt, lemon juice, or garlic as needed.
  6. Serve: Transfer the hummus to a serving dish. Drizzle with olive oil and sprinkle with paprika or parsley if desired.
  7. Storage: Store hummus in an airtight container in the refrigerator for up to a week.


  • For an extra smooth hummus, consider peeling the chickpeas.
  • Adjust the amount of garlic, lemon juice, and tahini according to your taste preferences.
  • Experiment with additional flavors like roasted red peppers, beetroot, or herbs for variety.

Enjoy your homemade hummus with vegetables, pita bread, or as a spread in sandwiches and wraps!

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